

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Getting Off the Hamster Wheel

Do you ever feel like a hamster running on a wheel, running as fast as you can, but never getting anywhere?  In today's fast paced world, you would be an oddity if you said, "No."  I've been feeling this way for quite some time now.  I look at my schedule and shake my head.  There doesn't seem to be any open spots for anything, but I look at what I have to do and there just doesn't seem to be anywhere to cut.  It's not that anything that I'm doing or have scheduled is frivolous or a waste of time.  They are all things that need to be done, so I keep on running.

However last Tuesday, I finally hit a wall.  You see, for the last year, we have hosted an exchange student from Germany, Tessa.  It has been a wonderful experience and she became my third daughter.  On Monday, she left to return home to Germany.  The week before we went camping for the week to spend some quality family time together before she left, without all of the distractions of home and everyday life.  It was a wonderful week, except for the constantly reoccurring thunderstorms.  But as anyone who camps knows, preparing for the trip and unpacking after the trip are both a lot of work!  We returned home on Friday evening in yet another thunderstorm, so most things were left in the camper until we could unload in dryer weather.  Saturday was a whirlwind.  We had to unpack, do laundry, make food for a carry-in after church on Sunday, and did I mention I was having an open house for our exchange student after the carry-in and I had to go set up and decorate.  Also, in the mix of the day, I had to go to the post office to pick up a package from Tessa's mom before the post office closed and go get groceries to restock the fridge and pantry after being gone for a week!  Needless to say, I was burning the candle at both ends.  Sunday consisted of a day of church, the carry-in, open house and then finishing packing Tessa for her trip home, with lots of goodbye's all day long.  It was a late night getting her ready to go and an early morning the next day taking her to the airport and sending her off.  It was exhausting emotionally and physically.

This brings me back to last Tuesday, when I finally crashed.  I cannot remember the last time I purposely scheduled myself a day off with nothing to do and Tuesday was no exception.  I had an appointment that I needed to go to, but had failed to write the time down on my grooming calendar, so I didn't schedule any grooming appointments for the day.  When I checked the time, it wasn't until 4pm.  God works in mysterious ways.  He knew I needed to rest.  I was physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted.  I ended up cancelling my appointment and vegged out all day long.  Usually, I would feel guilty for sleeping in and then curling up on the couch with a good book for the day, but that day I felt no twinge of guilt.  God had called me to a day of rest.  He had orchestrated it, because He knew in my humanness, I wouldn't have done it for myself.  I needed that day of rest more than anything.

"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." Ps. 91:1

I wrote all of this long story to say: God calls us into times of rest.  Sometimes we just need to take a break.  Even God rested on the seventh day after creating the world and all that is in it. Genesis 2:2-3 Why do we allow society to feed us the lie that we don't have time to rest, because there is too much to do to take a break? It's simple really.  We have an adversary that knows if he can keep us running, he will wear us out and we won't have the energy to do the work God has for us.  When we are worn out and tired from a life of stress and busyness, we are much less effective at serving God.  I believe God was speaking to me loud and clear on Tuesday, when He told me to rest.  Matthew 11:28 came to mind that day.  "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

So, if you're like me and you have been running on the crazy hamster wheel of life, maybe it's time to take a rest.  You will be far more productive in your walk with Christ if you do.  Your time of rest may not look like mine.  Maybe yours is longer than a day.  Extroverts may need to recharge with others, where introverts, like me, need to be alone.  It doesn't really matter what it looks like, it's just important to take time to recharge.  If your batteries are on empty, God can't use you to your fullest potential.  He desires so much more for you than a life running on empty.  So, take time to rest and see what great things He has for you!

Resting in Him,



  1. Love this line - "When we are worn out and tired from a life of stress and busyness, we are much less effective at serving God." The most important part of my life is relationships - with God, family, friends. A life of stress and busyness certainly makes all of those suffer! Thanks for the reminder that it is ok to slow down and rest. :) - Bethany

  2. Thank you for linking up today on #LookinUp you gave me a great reminder to slow down and that pursuing things dosent always mean it has to be done at 100 mph ;)

  3. So TRUE: "We have an adversary that knows if he can keep us running, he will wear us out and we won't have the energy to do the work God has for us." I was just looking online and planning a get away day for myself and my husband on Saturday for this very reason. Life has been busy and we just need to remove ourselves from "life" and spend quality time with each other and the Lord :)

  4. Love this, Lorissa! I can relate. We were all pretty exhausted after taking Christina to the airport. You are a gifted writer!
